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Interesting Flippa Auctions We Can Learn From Register Here

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
26 Jul 2017 10:48

Here's a thread for interesting Flippa auctions.

Let's pull no punches here - 90% of what's listed on Flippa is junk. The other 10% - that's what we'll talk about in this thread.

How to find good stuff on Flippa?

The starting point is this link. This will take you to well established sites that make at least $100 a month.

If you see anything good come up on Flippa, then post a link in this thread.

What are we looking for?

1. Sites we can copy. Not necessarily in the same niche as the listing's site.
2. Sites that have interesting features.
3. New types of site!
4. Sites with legit traffic and legit sellers.

BTW I'm only interested in websites. Domains themselves I consider to be worthless. It's what you put on them that counts.

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
26 Jul 2017 10:49

OK so this is a shopping/comparison site that's worth a look.

It's called and here is the Flippa listing.

This one caught my eye recently. It's kind of like a site I've been building, but mine is just in the fashion niche. By comparison, ManyThings is in *every* freaking niche!

Where this site wins:

It ranks for zillions of long tail keywords.
It makes money (claims $2500 a month).

Where it loses:

1. I think they've overengineered it, but to the honest the front-end looks rubbish. A wasted opportunity here.
2. It's vulnerable to getting flagged as a spam site, and completely de-indexed from Google.

Anyway, the lessons from this one are:

1. Scraper/huge data driven sites can be lucrative. But you'll need a bit of programming expertise to build them. I built FindAForum in 2013, and with 1300 pages of automatically generated/scraped content, it ranks for all kinds of weird keywords! It is a veritable goldmine of niches.
2. There are still opportunities for building comparison sites.
3. If you're targeting the US audience, then get an English native speaker to write the content!!!
4. If you have a talented back-end programmer, don't forget the user interface/front-end! Make it user-friendly! And above all ask yourself the question - WHAT DO MY WEBSITE VISITORS ACTUALLY WANT TO DO?

For a comparison site you need to answer two questions:

1. For an identical product (e.g. an iPhone 7S), which vendor is CHEAPER or FASTER at delivering the item?
2. For different products (e.g. toasters, vacuum cleaners), which one meets the buyer's requirements?

Does ManyThings.Online deliver on this?

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
04 Aug 2017 13:28

Here's another interesting Flippa auction. It's for the site

The point of interest here is the concept rather than the site. Although we'll come back to the site later on.

If you're thinking of starting an e-commerce store then it's often a good strategy to hunt out high value products. Simply because you make more money when you make a sale!

I'm trying to do this with my own e-commerce site in the clothing niche. I've deliberately avoided adding any product under $5.

Lately I've been adding $60 outfits. I hope this strategy pays off!

The downside with this is that if you choose very expensive products, your strategy might backfire?


Because people will think about these purchases more, and your affiliate cookie might expire! They also do more shopping around.

So they might buy from a store you don't have an affiliate relationship with.

Finally things like high value business items can be tricky to make money from. Because the person browsing your site is not

necessarily going to be the person who actually orders the product.

Back to and what can we learn from this site?

According to the Flippa auction listing, it has a 9% bounce rate. That's simply incredible! And visitors spend an average of 4 minutes browsing the site.

I've never achieved such a low bounce rate. But I did make a dating site where people spent an average of 6 minutes browsing the content (so many profiles to look through!).

This site looks quite nice. But I *seriously* doubt those stats.

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
04 Aug 2017 13:30

Nice Example of a Dating Blog

This is a post about I noticed it for sale on the Flippa site and it's a nice example of a dating/relationships blog. I do like their article titles, and their use of related images.

How do I know these sites are good? Because back in 2010 I made a number of similar sites. At my peak I was earning over $1000 a month from AdSense.

These types of sites are easy to set up and write content for. And in this niche people go literally click crazy on adverts. CTR of 10-30% is not unusual!

AdSense is good in this niche, but you can also use Peerfly or CPA offers direct from dating sites themselves.

There's also the e-book/course angle. My friend paid $2000 to go on a dating course earlier this year! These things pay big money to affiliates if you can convert your readers into buyers. IF.

And the downside to this niche? Well obviously it's no secret that dating is a good niche. And these days you're more likely to see big sites like, the Daily Mail and the Huffington Post ranking for the juiciest keywords.

There are still opportunities in dating though. So hit those keyword tools in search of inspiration and get writing.

My top tip? Write about a dating niche YOU know something about.

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Kelvin   06 June 2019

Been around since 2009 means you've had so much experience in this space. I'm really considering expanding into promoting products in other niches using paid ads but my limitation is that I don't know how to speak a second language.

I agree with you that low gravity shouldn't be a criterion for selecting products to promote as there are some uncompetitive products with very low gravity. I'll like to add some characteristics of products you shouldn't promote:

1. Clickbank products that have (external) ads on their sales page
2. Products with buy buttons that do not go to the Clickbank order page
3. Products that exaggerate their promises, especially financial promises. Promises like these will lead to high refund rates (most MMO products have refund rates over 20% in fact).
4. Unresponsive vendors. Before starting to promote a product, ALWAYS contact the vendor (ask for a review copy, or ask a question about the product, or just introduce yourself). If you get no reply within 48hours do NOT promote the product.

Recently, I came across a course created by Clickbank's current #1 affiliate that claims to teach people how to drive traffic to Clickbank offers using Facebook Ads. I've seen some good reviews and positive testimonies online about the course. Here's one

What do you think about the course?