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Don't Be Negative To Your Visitors. Two Sites Shamed and One Praised! Register Here

Posted by BrettB
Registered User
14 Feb 2019 20:41

I've been on the internet since 1994.

One rule I've learnt in all this time - DON'T BE NEGATIVE!

Anyway, while trying to get some test results together for Blog Spy I thought I'd try a bit of outreach to the blogs that Blog Spy said was most closely related to.

Here are the results so far...

1. I tried to use the contact form on this site: Well I couldn't use it because it won't allow content to be copied and pasted from anywhere else. Does this cut down on copypasta spam? Probably. Does it penalise anyone who doesn't trust the reliablility of their browser (or YOUR hosting plan) and who would rather write their emails in notepad? Of course! Well maybe this is why BloggingFist is the lowest rated blog in my Blog Spy results for this particular job.

2. Next I tried contacting Aziz at through his online contact form. This time the form would let me paste text from notepad. However, it wouldn't send the outreach email. A broken site? Perhaps. Well I am experienced enough to suspect an anti-spam filter. Sure enough, when I removed the links from the email it sent the message. Good but how useful is a contact form when legitimate people can't send you links? I only hope Aziz is smart enough to noticed my email address and thereby infer what my domain name is.

3. I tried to reach out at Ankit at Funnily enough while I was building Blog Spy, Ankit's blog was the one I tested most of my code with as it kept coming up in my related blogs list and it had a pretty memorable domain. Anyway, I was impressed with Ankit's positive message on his contact page. There is no interactive form to post comments via, just a simple email address link. Sometimes simple is better. Maybe this is why masterblogging outranks the previous two sites I've mentioned here...

What's the message from my outreach campaign so far?


Check out masterblogging because the site is full of positivity. Ankit has a nice smile, and this contact form prose is a masterpiece in simple positivity:

Hey there, thanks for your interest in reaching out and connecting with me.

If you want to advertise your blog, website, product or brand here on my blog, looking for any blogging services or simply want to give your feedback about my blog, then you can contact me through below mentioned ways.

Email me: his_email_address

Add me on Skype: his_skype_address

I’ll respond you as soon as time allows.

Thanks & Regards!

You'll notice he doesn't mention spammers. There's no captcha, no hard to use form, no warnings about not sending him junk.

The best thing to do is to allow EVERYONE to contact you, and have an efficient spam filter that we never see. Why? Because we don't care if you get 1000's of spam messages a week. It's not our problem, it's yours.

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Kelvin   06 June 2019

Been around since 2009 means you've had so much experience in this space. I'm really considering expanding into promoting products in other niches using paid ads but my limitation is that I don't know how to speak a second language.

I agree with you that low gravity shouldn't be a criterion for selecting products to promote as there are some uncompetitive products with very low gravity. I'll like to add some characteristics of products you shouldn't promote:

1. Clickbank products that have (external) ads on their sales page
2. Products with buy buttons that do not go to the Clickbank order page
3. Products that exaggerate their promises, especially financial promises. Promises like these will lead to high refund rates (most MMO products have refund rates over 20% in fact).
4. Unresponsive vendors. Before starting to promote a product, ALWAYS contact the vendor (ask for a review copy, or ask a question about the product, or just introduce yourself). If you get no reply within 48hours do NOT promote the product.

Recently, I came across a course created by Clickbank's current #1 affiliate that claims to teach people how to drive traffic to Clickbank offers using Facebook Ads. I've seen some good reviews and positive testimonies online about the course. Here's one

What do you think about the course?